I help golfers master their mental game, reduce their handicap and feel confident over every shot
Get started by attending the Silent Mind Golf online program
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An untrained mind can only, at best, try; a trained mind does not deal with theory; it deals with facts.
The best golfers in the world have learned the ability to turn knowledge into real-world on-course power, and you can too!
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At last a detailed in depth mental conditioning on line program, for golfers of all levels
Based of the books and teachings of world renown performance coach Robin Sieger.
There is a huge difference between knowing something and being able to do something; all too often, people mistake knowledge for power, whilst in reality, it is applied knowledge that is true power. As a golfer if you understand and accept that golf is 80% mental and 20% mechanical. It shows there is a huge area in which mastery will give you an immediate and long term ability to get better and play to your full potential.
Meet Robin Sieger
Robin Sieger has established himself in the business world as an expert on success, peak performance and the key factors that are common to successful individuals and organisations. In 2010 he wrote his first golf book. Silent Mind Golf.
As a consequence of not being able to find and exercises or books that actually taught, in simple yet practical terms the "How To' of the mental game. The book became and remains a best-seller, and led to further titles Silent Mind Putting and Golf Under Pressure.
Read More of Robin's Story

Checkout my podcast:
The Golfing Mind
Join me on my podcast, The Golfing Mind, where each week, we dive deep into mastering the mental game of golf. Get actionable advice, expert tips, and instant techniques you can apply to elevate your game.
Whether you're a beginner or a PGA Tour Pro, you'll find valuable insights from the bestselling author of Silent Mind Golf and two other essential reads on the mental game. Tune in and take your golf performance to the next level—available wherever you listen to podcasts.
Listen NowHow Robin Can Help You:

Private Coaching
No two golfers are exactly alike, which is why one–to–one coaching enables Robin and the player to get the very best results by tailoring the process precisely to suit the thinking and learning style of the player.

Invite Robin To Speak
Robin's reputation as a world-class conference speaker makes him a first choice for corporate golf day and private coaching sessions for small groups. He is invited to professional tournaments to drop by hospitality rooms, meet guests, and sometimes gives an after-lunch talk followed by a Q&A.

Online Course
Visit our online training, which offers three levels of online learning, from the 13-week immersive Silver program to the one-to-one Platinum program. Enhance your skills at your own pace and discover the program that best suits your needs.

A Message From Robin
We all feel in our hearts we should be able to play better, but time and time again, we come up against the silent rage that results from hitting poor shots that we know we should not be hitting. We invest in lessons, technology, and occasional practice, and nothing changes. I certainly was that player. One day, I realized that golf is 80% mental and 20% mechanical. It was a revelation. By changing my mental process, I was able to reduce my handicap by ten shots in three rounds. This resulted in my writing about it for the benefit of friends, which got the attention of a publisher and led to the release of Silent Mind Golf. I appreciate in this busy world, people do not always have the time to read, so I created an online 13-week programme that takes the student step by step through the process of training your body and your mind to work for you and not against you. I encourage you to take this journey and discover the adage that sometimes the answer was within you the whole time and not out there in the wilderness where you imagined it.
First Lesson Free
I invite you to take the first lesson for free, without obligation, no credit card, no payment, totally free of charge. No annoying follow up requests with discount codes, or special offers - you will not hear from us again - Yippee! It will however give you a sense of the teaching style and content.
Winston Churchill once famously said, "I have nothing against learning; I just don't like being taught." Many of us share that sentiment. The course is designed to build over 13 weeks, so not only do you learn, but you also acquire the tools to take that learning onto the golf course.
Joining a gym does not make you fit, and going to school does not make you knowledgeable; it is when you apply yourself that you become knowledgeable. This 13-course is full of exercises, daily drills ( sitting in a chair), and downloadable content that will have a huge positive impact on the diligent student.
As in most things in life what you put in is what you get out.
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