Want to be personally coached by Robin?

I only work with a handful of private clients at a time. Please watch this quick video to see if private 1:1 coaching with me is the right fit for you.


Apply to work with Robin directly as a private client

Due to scheduling Robin is only generally able to work one to one with professional or elite amateur golfers. Who are committed to learning and serious about the practice and drills that the mental conditioning methods Robin teaches are followed. An introductory meeting takes place to make sure it is a good fit for both parties and then we create an ongoing working schedule from there.

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"The mental game is boring", "I've read a few books". "Yeah yeah, I know how to breathe slowly and relax."  "I'm mentally tough."

I can't tell you how often people have said one of the above quotes to me when we discussed the mental game. As a speaker and author on the psychology of peak performance and success, I know there is a colossal difference between knowledge and power.

You may have read 12 books on karate for self-defence, but if you got into her altercation with someone who had had one boxing lesson, the chances are they would win.

There is no disagreement amongst professional golfers that golf is at least 80% mental and 20% mechanical. Yet people continue to spend a fortune on the latest technology, hoping it will solve the problem.

My coaching session with amateur golfers is based on the fact that it will be a short-term relationship, as they will have all the tools and strategies they need to play their best. Professional golfers are in a different category, and with them, it becomes an ongoing process of final adjustment. If you are committed to being the best player you can be and are willing to do the drawers and exercises, I do not doubt that you will be thrilled and very happy at the difference in your game.